
Annual Subs cover costs of training and matches from September to May.  Our coaches and committee members are all volunteers and so membership fees go directly into paying the general running costs of the club, and the development of the club.

Fees cover pitch bookings, league entries, club insurance, necessary training and match equipment, affiliate memberships etc. and we hope to be able to purchase spare equipment for use by beginners, or junior lacrosse equipment to run a youth team in the future.

Half season (September – December or January – May) – half of the above amounts for playing memberships only.

Finances should not be a barrier to playing lacrosse with us and so if you have any financial difficulties or are unemployed then please speak to the one of the committee members and we will be able to help you with your membership fees.

In addition, all playing members should be registered with English Lacrosse (register here). If you are playing matches then you must be registered.

To pay your membership fees please speak to one of the committee members.

Women's Training